Sunday, September 20, 2009

Cavalaire to Carcassone Tue 8th Sept

For once Nicky didn't set her alarm. I suppose because I had been awake before it for most of the holiday. Anyway Sophie woke me at 8pm. A cup of tea, fetch the bread, break camp and ready to leave by 10.30. We really are getting it to a fine art. As you can see even Sophie joined in holding down the awning while we straightened it ready for folding. I went up tp the office to pay and as I came out the site guy got in his jeep so I called and asked if he would pull us up. It is part of their service as some of the slopes are 1 in 4 and quite narrow. His jeep is an original American US army built in 1950!! Fantastic and still working! It chugged up through the site with a 1400kg caravan in low gear 4 wheel drive with no problem . A really exciting moment to sit in a Jeep only seen these days in old American war films. ( I didn't have the cigar hanging out of my mouth and a machine gun in my hand-- but I imagined it!!)

I planned we should go to Carcassone. We had a bit of a misunderstanding on the way up a few weeks a go as you may remember and I wanted to make it up to Nicky and I genuinely wanted to visit the medieval city again. I knew it was a long way with the van - over 400kms- and the start was not encouraging. It took an hour to do the first 18 miles to Hyeres. Then I set off to Drauguinan to join the motorway there. It was sort of going back, but I wanted to miss going through the centre of Toulon. Trixy ( Satnav) wanted me to go to Toulon and then Nicky reminded me that the East/West route was a 2 mile tunnel UNDER Toulon. I turned round and headed for Toulon. The rest of the journey was good. Sophie has decided to give up huffing and puffing and driving us mad and has found it much more comfortable for her too! We followed the signs to the site, but of course I managed to drive straight past it. Fortunately I turned off before we got to the citadel and after a couple of manoevers got back to the camp. Yes they did have space for us, but no electricity! Damn! We need that for the fridges, yes we have two. One for the food and stuff and one for the odd bottle of wine and non-alcohol beers that Nicky now drinks. Not a problem the van fridge is trhee way and can be opperated by 240 volt, gas of 12volt. I had used the gas some weeks ago to see if it was more effective that the electric. It wasn't, so having paid 4 euros for an electric supply I had always used that. THe gas would not light!! Quelle Surprise!! When you need it it doesn't work. I tried to light it by hand, but simply could not get a flame into the tight space.

Jill phoned to say she and Dave will join us tomorrow about lunch time. Nicky complained about the same tummy cramps I had last week and she fell asleep. That's good, but I had to find my own way round the kitchen. Good job Nicky was asleep and we had no web cam. Below our view of Carcassone from the camp site

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